before our dinner reservations at 6. Let me tell you, two hours is just not enough in the National Gallery. But even a few moments with a van Eyck, Botticelli, Vermeer, Monet, Serat, Cezanne, or a van Gogh is enough to make my heart go pitter, patter. I could spend a week in that museum. Perhaps someday I shall.
Precisly at 6 we had dinner at Chez Gerards, a lovely French restaurant close to Victoria Station. The food was fantastic and not just because we were famished! Then we headed to the much anticpated show.

Finally, I was going to get to see what all the fuse is about. Well, I thoroughly enjoyed the performance. Suddenly, all the songs from the soundtrack that I have heard them from a miraid of different sources, made sense.
Nicki and I will have memories to last a lifetime of this little trip. Thanks for the idea, Joey.
Jenny: I love your Blog. Here in so. indiana we're in the middle of a huge snow and ice storm. Unable to get out except for grocery shopping. I have a bad case of cabin fever. So good to read your blog and excited about your travels. Come back soon to our bible study. We miss you. Love and prayers for a fun, safe trip. Gwen
Jenny: Love your Blog1! Be glad you're not here. We're in a huge snow and ice storm. Getting a bad case of cabin fever. Come back soon. We miss you at bible study. Love and prayers for a safe and happy trip. Gwen
Did I tell you Wicked is here in Louisville, Kentucky Center for the Arts Broadway Series? This week and next - Cheapest Ticket $70
London sound like a good place to visit I dont know, maybe, perhaps, we'll see......
Love MOM
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