Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am not sure what his true motives were (maybe guilt- for having me watch his kids for a week by myself, or maybe he was just trying to get me out of the house for a bit) but Joey thought it would be a grand idea for Nicki and I to take a quick trip to London to see Wicked. Not one to ever turn down an opportunity to travel, I jumped at the idea. So, there we were, Nicki and I, playing "planes, trains, and automobiles" (not quite in that order). We took the car (30 min. drive to Zwiebruken) and then flew to Stansted airport, and then from there we took the train into London. A quick stop to check into our hotel and grab lunch and off we went again to catch a view of some masterpieces at the National Gallery

before our dinner reservations at 6. Let me tell you, two hours is just not enough in the National Gallery. But even a few moments with a van Eyck, Botticelli, Vermeer, Monet, Serat, Cezanne, or a van Gogh is enough to make my heart go pitter, patter. I could spend a week in that museum. Perhaps someday I shall.

Precisly at 6 we had dinner at Chez Gerards, a lovely French restaurant close to Victoria Station. The food was fantastic and not just because we were famished! Then we headed to the much anticpated show.

Finally, I was going to get to see what all the fuse is about. Well, I thoroughly enjoyed the performance. Suddenly, all the songs from the soundtrack that I have heard them from a miraid of different sources, made sense.

Nicki and I will have memories to last a lifetime of this little trip. Thanks for the idea, Joey.


Anonymous said...

Jenny: I love your Blog. Here in so. indiana we're in the middle of a huge snow and ice storm. Unable to get out except for grocery shopping. I have a bad case of cabin fever. So good to read your blog and excited about your travels. Come back soon to our bible study. We miss you. Love and prayers for a fun, safe trip. Gwen

Anonymous said...

Jenny: Love your Blog1! Be glad you're not here. We're in a huge snow and ice storm. Getting a bad case of cabin fever. Come back soon. We miss you at bible study. Love and prayers for a safe and happy trip. Gwen

Anonymous said...

Did I tell you Wicked is here in Louisville, Kentucky Center for the Arts Broadway Series? This week and next - Cheapest Ticket $70

London sound like a good place to visit I dont know, maybe, perhaps, we'll see......

Love MOM