Saturday, January 24, 2009

A New Leaf

Wow, it’s the end of January and I haven’t posted since August! In all fairness, I have been extremely busy traveling with Brian and when I’m home I’m catching up on what I missed and preparing for the next trip. Yet, I am put to shame by my sister, who runs a busy household of five active children, a husband, a dog, and two recently deceased guinea pigs, and she updates her blog religiously! I had to sit and think about that.

I decided the reason I don’t update my blog is a combination of reasons:

  1. I’m not sure anyone really cares “Where I am in the world?” except for a few loved ones who know anyway.
  2. I think if I share I have to tell the whole story and it’s just too big a mountain to climb.
  3. I’m quite a procrastinator and times passes and then the whole thing seems irrelevant.

Now…I have decided to give this blog thing another shot anyway (I may even do some back posts), but I have to overcome some of these excuses for not updating. To address #1, if any one who reads these would leave me just a short comment, it will help me know that someone is actually reading them. (#2) If you want to know more about a particular blog let me know, I’ll be glad to tell you all about it. (#3) I may not always be timely but “better late than never” will have to be my motto.

Check my back blogs now and then because I’m going to try to catch up on them too.


7redz said...

I care... I love to read where you are or where you've been! Blog when you can! I'll be checking! btw... "religiously"?, yeh it is kinda like therapy... kinda like a good puzzle yeh?

Anonymous said...

I like your 1,2,3 punch idea. I have been reading up to the Ball State entry. I just forgot to comment. Love Mom

Joe and Carolyn said...

Well, I am reading it and enjoyed all your and Nicki's adventures. Am envious of the trip to Switzerland. Know you all enjoying your time together. Take care. Carolyn

Aunt Clara said...

Just wanted you to know that I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog. I've read it in the past, in the future I will leave a comment to let you know. I am SO jealous of your travels.. Ilove reading about it all and your pix.