Oh no!! I have let too much time pass again! I just don’t know how you people do it. Staying on top of things like this. So here goes…a “catch up” John Grogan style (you have to have seen
Marley & Me to appreciate that reference)…
Feb. 5-8 …I go to Berlin with Nicki & Joey and family. We ride bikes and trains and walk a lot to see the sites. Here’s Clara and myself (and the others in the background) at the Berlin Wall. Awesome trip.
Feb. 9-13… I watch Nicki’s kids while she and Joey go to Venice for work. Yeah, right.
Feb 14-15 …Nicki and I go on a tour to Prague. We had a great time. Prague is a beautiful city and very easily walked but… I have never been so cold in my entire life!!!!! I don’t know if I was fighting off an illness or if the extreme cold got the best of me but I came home from Prague with some beautiful garnet earrings and very nasty sinus infection.
Feb. 24… I celebrate my birthday with Nicki, Joey and all, with schnitzel. Yum, yum. Thanks Joey.
Feb 26…My days in Germany come to a close all too quickly. I spent the last week fighting that nasty infection and helping Bethany through a major crisis. But I will always remember my time in Germany as wonderful. It was a blessing to get to spend so much time with my nieces and nephews. I hope they remember it as fondly as I do.
Feb. 28…After a few days of recuperation and a Rx, I hold auditions for Steel Magnolias and start rehearsals the following week.
March 8-14…All five of us (me, Brian, Bethany, Jordan, and Aaron) spend Spring Break at a lovely condo on Grand Cayman. Brian and the boys did some scuba diving, girl’s went shopping, Bethany and Aaron went para-sailing, and we all did some snorkeling.

We had a wonderfully relaxing time, cherishing every moment since who knows when we will all be on vacation together again. I attempted to take a family pic but didn't realize the camera was on video setting. But here it is anyway.
March-Apr.-May…The weeks pass quickly while Steel Magnolias takes up most of my time with rehearsals, set design and construction, props and a million other details.
April 12…Southeast Christian Church Indiana Campus officially opens their doors on Easter Sunday. Yeah!!!
May 6… I deliver a van full of hand-me-down furniture to Jordan for his new apartment in Muncie and pick up a van load of dorm paraphernalia helping Aaron move home from Ball State.
May 14-17…Steel Magnolias is a huge success breaking playhouse records for attendance and logging the first ever standing ovations.
June…was spent catching up on gardening and other house projects that have fallen by the way side during Steel.
June 15-18…I return to Prague with Brian (his favorite layover of all time). We had a wonderful time. There were a few other “tag-along’s” (family members of crew). Several us of ran into each other at dinner at a roof top restaurant at Old Town Square. We talked and laughed like loud Americans and watched the sunset on Prague castle which was breathtakingly beautiful. This picture just does not do it justice, but unless you make the trip with me, it’s the best I can do.
June 21-July 5…Nicki and her kids come to visit (Joey comes for a few days too). We enjoyed many wonderful things with them… shopping, sailing, swimming in my kind neighbor’s pool,

and contra dancing… Mom and Clara came almost every day to work puzzles and all the siblings, nieces, nephews, and cousins came and went to spend time together.
July 3… The drama queens and drama mama’s …Nicki, Bethany, Mary, and I went to Kentucky Center to see Mame. We all enjoyed the evening and enjoyed critiquing the production as well. We would all make good theatre critics.
July 4th …The whole mob (the count comes in at 31, if you count Aaron’s friend, Michael, who practically lives at our house) comes for fireworks.
July 5…We sit and listen to the quiet and remember that the Hickox crew left this morning. We miss them already. We drown out the quiet watching Mission Impossible and Brian discovers a goof… The morning after the disastrous mole hunt in Prague, the sun is seen rising over Prague castle, in actuality the sun sets over the castle. Having actually watched the sun set over Prague castle, it was easy for him to spot.
July 8…This vintage puzzle was a stray left at my house on the dining room table. Someone was kind enough to put together about 95% of the edge pieces and sort all the rest. I slowly finished it in between returning to my many house projects and just enjoying the quiet.

Well, that about does it… Hope you enjoyed my whirlwind of highlights. I am sure I missed something but, oh well…maybe next time.