This morning I woke to the sound of Reuben cock-a-doodle-doing in the next room to wake up Seth. It made me smile. I have so enjoyed being here with my sister’s family. It seems like it has been forever since I have spent time with them and I feel like I’m getting to know them all over again.
Nicki and I took a USO German baking class today. We had a great time. We learned to make Buttermilcheschnitte (Buttermilk cake), Fantaschnitten mit Pfirsichschamand (Fanta cake with Peach Cream), and Glasierte Nuss Schleifen (Glazed Nut Bows). The Fanta Cake tasted a lot like my sister, Joni’s, Easter Cake. The buttermilk cake was delicious too but the crowning glory, the ultimate, the creation I would never share was… the Nut Bows!!
Just take a look at these pics.Are you drooling yet? Now, we’ll see if I can actually recreate them. It was pretty complicated and time consuming. But we had fun anyway as you can see.
We enjoyed it so much we signed up for another class on my birthday, the day before I leave Germany, and I signed up for one next week while Nicki is away in Venice. Guten Apetit!